Trade successfully with China webinar

erfolgreich handeln mit

  • China
  • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
  • Automobil/Transport,
  • Chemie/Pharma,
  • Bau,
  • Konsumgüter,
  • Elektronik/ITK,
  • Finanzdienstleistungen,
  • Nahrungsmittel,
  • Allgemeine Wirtschaft,
  • Maschinen/-bau,
  • Metall,
  • Papier,
  • Dienstleistungen,
  • Stahl,
  • Textil

12 10 2016

On 15 November 2016, Atradius Credit Insurance hosted a webinar that looked at the opportunities available for trade with China and how to safely transact your business.







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China, by far the largest economy of Asia is gradually shifting from investment-led growth towards consumption. With slower growth forecast and changing government priorities it is important to know how to approach the Chinese market and avoid the potential pitfalls.

On 15 November at 10:00 CET, Atradius Credit Insurance hosted a webinar that looked at the opportunities available for trade with China and how to safely transact your business.

A panel of experts on China’s economy, business culture and law covered the opportunities and the logistics of trading in and with China in a lively debate designed to help businesses make their mark there. The discussion was led by award winning financial journalist and broadcaster Adam Shaw.

Click here to register and watch the recording of our Trade Successfully with China webinar.

Trade successfully with China guide

The Trade Successfully with China report looks at ten principles that those seeking to expand their sales strategy into China should follow, to avoid the many pitfalls of trading in untried territory.


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